Web Colors


Hex to RGB and vice versa...

HEX can be entered with or without # in upper or lower case, both long form (#FFDD00) and short form (fd0) are supported.
RGB can be entered separated by comma (128,128,64), by dot (128.128.64) or by space (128.128 64) with or without rgb(...).

Color in HEX or RGB:


The CSS 3 specification of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines the following 140 colors:

You can also write grey instead of the gray. Furthermore, aqua and cyan as well as fuchsia and magenta each represent the same color. The list is mainly composed of the 120 colors of the Netscape browser and the 16 VGA colors. Only the colors bisque (#FFE4C4) and blanchedalmond (#FFEBCD) are not from there.