
The Mummy
German TitleDie Mumie
Length73 min
DirectorKarl Freund
AuthorNina Wilcox Putnam
CastBoris Karloff, Zita Johann, David Manners, Arthur Byron, Edward Van Sloan, Bramwell Fletcher, Noble Johnson, Kathryn Byron, Leonard Mudie
Plot (German)÷gypten 1921: Ein vorwitziger britischer Archäologe erweckt die Mumie von Imhotep zum Leben. Der Hohepriester entfleucht seiner Grabkammer und nimmt eine neue Identität an. Sein ganzes Trachten gilt der Suche nach jener Pharaonentochter, für die er einst in den Tod ging - vor 4000 Jahren...
Plot (English)In 1921 a field expedition in Egypt discovers the mummy of ancient Egyptian prince Im-Ho-Tep, who was condemned and buried alive for sacrilege. Also found in the tomb is the Scroll of Thoth, which can bring the dead back to life. One night a young member of the expedition reads the Scroll out loud, and then goes insane, realizing that he has brought Im-Ho-Tep back to life. Ten years later, disguised as a modern Egyptian, the mummy attempts to reunite with his lost love, an ancient princess who has been reincarnated into a beautiful young woman.
Awards1 Auszeichnung & 3 Nominierungen.
IMDb Rating7,1